Teach me how to Fight

It’s amazing having a different taste, the taste of the land. A part of me will miss the manna and the miracle of it, I will miss the sight of it falling from heaven. Oh, how we have come so accustomed to miracles, that we have forgotten that it is just that, a miracle. I look up to the heavens, close my eyes as I feel the warm sun and I breathe in the fresh air. ‘Jericho, the land promised to us’, I think to myself.

 I open my eyes and startle at the sight before me. A man stood before me sword drawn, I went to him and immediately asked, “Are you for us or for our adversaries?” Something burned in His eyes, this man seemed different, as if a Holy being resides within. “No, but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.”, He said… Realization hits me and without thought, I fall my knees, face to the ground and worshipped Him. “What does the Lord say to His servant?”, I asked.  “Take your sandals off, the place on which you stand is holy.” And so, I did…   

This is basically what I thought went through Joshua’s mind in Joshua 5. Imagine leaving behind all you know for something better. Going from everything being done for you to you being equipped to do something in God’s name that will have one major impact.  Sounds cool and a bit scary at the same time, right? Let’s look at the story of Joshua, why did God choose him? Was he the bravest or the strongest or even the most experienced? No.  

Moses sent out 12 spies, to spy out the land that God has “already” given them. Know let’s just pause here. God said He already gave them the land, all they had to do is take it. It’s like you’re receiving a gift on your birthday and all you need to do is take it, rip it open and use it. So, God gave them the land, a very good land, and when the spies went 10 of them didn’t see the land, but they saw the giants. Their focus was on the problem and not the promise, but 2 of these spies looked at the promise and they were in awe of God. The giants looked like nothing compared to an almighty, eternal God.


My friend, THAT’S THE DIFFERENCE!! Joshua was one of those two spies. Joshua looked to God and His promises, he didn’t care about the small inconveniences, his focus was on God. My friend, you don’t have to be the strongest, smartest or riches person to be used by God. All you have to do is look to Him. I mean look at David, he was seen as so insignificant, that when his dad Jesse took his brother to the prophet to choose the future king, he left David behind.  The prophet had to ask Jesse, “Do you have another son.” Jesse even replied, ‘No, just a shepherd boy at home. That shepherd boy God called to be king. God has a habit of choosing the “outcasts”, the ones who don’t seem to fit in. How awesome is that? And what did David say when he defeated Goliath? “For the battle is the Lords.” (1 Samuel 17: 47).


My friend, our fight isn’t against giants or people anymore. God choose us for a much bigger fight. One that cannot be seen with our physical eye, but one that is in the spiritual realm. The new testament says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” – Eph 6:12. Do not be afraid my friend because today, I’m going to teach you how to fight...


Eph 6:10, “Be strong in the Lord and His might…” This is a verse before the bible mentions, who we are up against and then it lists the armour of God. My friend let’s get this out of the way, being on the winning team, doesn’t mean it’s about you. It’s all about God. In Joshua 5 the commander of the Lord’s army says He isn’t on Joshua’s side or Joshua’s enemies’ side, He is on God’s side. So, the question isn’t, ‘is God or your side’ the real question is, ’are you on God’s side?’  

Teaching you how to fight is teaching you to look to God and more specifically Jesus. You on your own can’t win, but you with God, looking to Him and His supply and what Jesus did for you on the cross. Then God can use you to change the world, then you take down giants, you take down chains and lies the devil placed in your heart, in your families lives. Then you become a CONQUERER THROUGH CHRIST!!  

My friend even the armour is all about Jesus and looking to him:

Helmet of salvation: “For God so loved the world…he gave His son…whoever believes in him will have eternal life. (Jn 3:16).

Waist with Truth: “…grace and truth came through Jesus... (Jn 1:17)

Breastplate of righteousness:  … we are the righteousness of God through Christ… (Rom 3:22)

Shoes of peace: …my peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you… (Jn 14:27)

Shield of Faith:  …Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith… (Heb 12:2)


And the only offensive weapon is “the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God”. My friend, you want to have an offensive weapon that will not fail and that will kick the devil’s butt. It’s the word of God, it’s the gospel it’s reminding the devil he lost, and he lost badly, he got smacked down and he has no hold on you because of Jesus. His spirit lives within in you my friend, the Holy Spirit is your guide, your comforter and when you allow Him to speak through you, my friend God will move mountains. 

My friend praying in tongues is one of the most powerful weapons you can have. And all you have to do is receive it. The only reason it sounds weird is that it’s different and it’s supernatural. And no, you don’t get possessed and float up in the air like in the movies. All you do is ask and receive, then words come out of your mouth that you don’t understand. This is the Holy Spirit praying through you and for you. When we pray, we usually pray out of our knowledge and what we know, but when we allow the holy spirit to pray, it’s like we hit a bullseye every, single, time… 


My friend, if you want to speak in tongues all you have to do is ask and receive. If you have any more questions, please ask us. That is what we are here for, and even if you want us to pray with you please don’t hesitate to email us at youth@redemptionchurch.co.za or DM Us on our Instagram.

  • Anneline Botha


Healing a broken Heart


Truth Bombs