Prayer Evening

Prayer Evening

Join us for Prayer Night where we come together as a Church to connect with God through prayer and worship. Lifting our hearts and believing God to move in mighty ways.

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Child Dedications

Child Dedications

We believe Psalm 127:3, which says “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” Child Dedication is a time for us to celebrate and thank God for the gift of your children.

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Equipping Groups

Equipping Groups

Equipping groups are designed to equip you practically and help you grow spiritually within community. Equipping Groups are individual in-person courses that run for a four week cycle whilst our Connect Groups are taking a break.

We encourage you to sign up to the course that is most relevant to you. Book your seat and join us once a week for four weeks.

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Redemption Youth is a place where teens can encounter Jesus and grow in their God-given talents. If you’re in grades 7 - 12, Join us this upcoming Friday at 6:30 PM at Redemption Church for FNY (Friday Night Youth). See you there!

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Jesus Cares Winter Drive
to Jun 9

Jesus Cares Winter Drive

Winter is here! Join us for the Jesus Cares Winter Drive happening in the first two weeks of June. This season, we are collecting canned food, beanies, socks, and any financial donations you can contribute by mentioning 'JC Winter Drive' in your payment reference. Donation boxes labeled 'Jesus Cares' are available around our church campus for drop-offs. All contributions will aid the various organisations supported by Jesus Cares.

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Discover Purpose

Discover Purpose

Each one of us is a ten out of ten at something and this course is designed to help you identify your spiritual gifting. At Redemption Church there are many different opportunities and ways for you to walk out your calling. We want to help you fulfil your purpose through the Discover Purpose Course.

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Redemption Youth is a place where teens can encounter Jesus and grow in their God-given talents. If you’re in grades 7 - 12, Join us this upcoming Friday at 6:30 PM at Redemption Church for FNY (Friday Night Youth). See you there!

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SA Prays For Israel

SA Prays For Israel

South African citizens stand with Israel in prayer. The prayer meeting, held by SAFI ( South African Friends of Israel ), come together corporately with Churches in South Africa to pray for peace in Israel.

Join us on Sunday the 5th of May 2024 at Redemption Church - Greenstone - Johannesburg @ 2.45PM. Registration is essential for catering purposes.

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Water Baptism

Water Baptism

Water baptism is an outward declaration of your decision to follow Jesus. If you are ready to be water baptised, we’d love to celebrate with you!

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Gracious Gathering

Gracious Gathering

Our heart is to establish every woman and girl in their identity as a Beloved daughter of the Most High. We want every woman to know that she is a beloved daughter. You're invited to have a special date with your Abba!

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Gents, are you in Grade 7-12? When last have you enjoyed a good guys night out? 

We'd like to invite you to our youth guys night, happening on the 08th of March from 06:30pm - 09:00pm. Make sure to invite your friends and register

See you gentlemen there. 

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Brave Men's Conference

Brave Men's Conference

Brave is the Men's Ministry of both Redemption Church and Rhema Bible Church. It is geared to empower and equip all the men in our society. Brave Men are encouraged to walk in their true identity through the preaching of the finished work of Jesus.

In these tumultuous times, God is calling men to build their lives on a 'Firm Foundation', and that foundation is Jesus. 

Matthew 7:24: “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.” 

We are excited to announce that this day conference is hosted by Ps. Joshua McCauley at Rhema Bible Church. Our guest speakers include:

  • Ps. Jared Nieman from the USA 

  • Ps. Kabelo Mabalane from SA 

  • Ps. Marcel Gaasenbeek from NL 

and more exciting guests!

We believe God is equipping and raising a young generation of Brave men, and therefore, this year's conference will be for individuals aged 13 years and up.

Tickets are available in two groups:

  • 13-18 years old: R50

  • 18 years old and over: R150. 

Please note that there will be food available for purchase at the event.

Unfortunately, no childcare will be provided for children under 13.

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Brave Gathering

Brave Gathering

The Brave Men’s Gathering is where men can come together and get inspired, encouraged, and equipped in every area of their lives. Join us at Redemption Church from 8:30 to 10:30. Registration is free, but essential.

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Gracious Daughters Conference
to Sep 9

Gracious Daughters Conference

Gracious Daughters is a Women’s conference in South Africa. Women gather from all over with a hunger and an incredible thirst for Jesus and the Holy Spirit's tangible presence.

The theme for our Gracious Daughters Conference 2023 is “It’s a New Day”.

In 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, she is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new”

We believe God is saying it’s a new day, It’s a new season and all things are being made new.

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Gracious Girls Night

Gracious Girls Night

What does it mean to be a daughter of the King?

Well, that's what we're going to unpack at our Gracious Girls Night happening on 4 August 2023! This one is for all our young girls from grades 7 to 12, you're invited to our super fun PYJAMA PARTY!

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Youth Day Event

Youth Day Event

Hey Amazing Youth. We’d like to invite you to our Youth Event, happening on the 16th of June, from 09:00-12:00, at Redemption Church This day is all about celebrating you.See all our Grade Seven to Twelves there!

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The Legacy Project

The Legacy Project

We are really excited to witness God’s faithfulness first-hand as we continue to move from tenants to owners. Join us as Pastor Josh discusses specific aspects of the Legacy project that we are undertaking.

This time will allow for him to elaborate further on the plans we have for the building and also spend time addressing the benefits that are associated with owning the building.

Registration for catering purposes is essential – there is no cost associated in attending this event.

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The Brave Men's Conference

The Brave Men's Conference

The time for Brave Men is now! Be brave. Be bold. Register for the Brave Conference happening on 25 February at Rhema Bible Church. Childcare will be provided on the day at a R50 fee for children aged 4 - 12.

Get ready to lead and walk in courage!

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Worship Night

Worship Night

We’re setting aside time to worship the Lord and draw near to His presence. If you’re looking for a place to offer praise to the Father and be refreshed and renewed by His presence, then be sure to join us for worship night at #THE5 PM service!

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Guest Pastors

Guest Pastors

Mark your calendars! We have guest Pastors Charles & Jarred Nieman visiting us at Redemption Church on Sunday, 9 October 2022 at our 8am & 10:30am service.

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Gracious Kids Conference
to Aug 27

Gracious Kids Conference

Dear parents,

We are so excited to invite your lil ones to our kids conference on the 26 & 27th of August. We will be putting on an amazing neon praise party on the Friday evening along with some intentional ministry.

The Saturday we have an amazing programme to invest in your little ones whilst having lots of FUN! Food and refreshments are included in the registration price of R50 per child per day.

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Production Workshop

Production Workshop

Production is about worship. To have excellent production, you need a team of skilled technical artists to bring excellence, consistency and even beauty to the worship service. The true purpose of production is enabling others to worship. technology can engage people in a deeper expression of worship. Each role on the production team plays a crucial part in leading Sunday Services. Join our open house production workshop and have the opportunity to learn, ask questions and fellowship with our team.

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Discover your people and join a Connect Group. Life is not meant to be lived alone. Connect Groups are where we connect with others, protect one another and provide an atmosphere for spiritual growth. Find your place in one of our online or in-person Connect Groups:

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Anointing & Appointing Service

Anointing & Appointing Service

Over the past few weeks, we have communicated regularly with you about the plans that are being made for Ps Joshua and Ps Tara to succeed Ps Ray McCauely at Rhema Church.

This process will culminate on Sunday, the 1st of May in an Anointing and Appointing Service that will be taking place at Rhema Bible Church - Randburg. This service will be live streamed to Redemeption Church in Greenstone so that via technology we all have the opportunity to celebrate this moment together.

Our God is a generational God and His heart is for the gospel to be preached from generation to generation. Ps Ray McCauley, Ps Joshua's dad will be praying for Ps Joshua and Ps Tara as he hands over the leadership of Rhema Church to them.

This service is a culmination of years of preparation and in this transition their commitment is to honour the past giving thanks to the Lord for all He has done in the past 40 years at Rhema Church, also pledging their loyalty to the future, believing that the best is yet to come, in Jesus name.

Ps. Joshua and Ps. Tara will remain the Senior pastors of Redemption Church. Thank everyone for their love, support and prayers during this transitional period.

We know that grace is greater than Greenstone and believe that the best is yet to come.

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Easter Weekend
to Apr 17

Easter Weekend

Good news is here! Jesus is alive and we’re celebrating it this easter at Redemption Church! Tell your world the good news and invite them to Church this Easter!

Easter Friday: 8am | 10.30am

Resurrection Sunday: 8am | 10.30am | 5pm

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It Is Finished Cancer Drive

It Is Finished Cancer Drive

The 13th of March is going to be a significant day as we host a cancer drive for our ‘It Is Finished’ initiative. This will take place after all our services.

Invite your friends & family and come and support by either shaving or spraying your hair. All proceeds will go towards a care box which we believe will be a blessing to those fighting cancer.

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Vision Sunday is where we in celebration receive the theme and word of God for the year 2022 from our Visionary Pastors Joshua and Tara McCauley. Invite your world and come expectant to experience Redemption.


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