Mantaining our mental health in uncertain times.

Schools have just been closed for another four weeks, for most of you, you have only just returned to school and been able to see your friends and socialize a bit more with them, finally, there was a glimmer of normality and then it was taken away again, we find comfort in the fact that we have zoom meetings for small groups and youth so that we get a little bit of extra socializing in and some comfort in knowing that we are not alone.  

But for most of us not being able to see our friends, to give each other a high five or a hug hello is starting to take its toll. We are living in uncertain times and for many that leave us feeling a lot more anxious. In the Bible, we read that Paul pleads with God to remove the thorn in his side (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) and although we don’t know what exactly the thorn was in Paul’s side we know that God reminds him that His grace is sufficient. 

During this period of uncertainty, the devil will try and attack your mental health by allowing feelings of despair, anxiety and even suicide to creep into your mind and although most of us can shake this feeling off or go and talk to someone about it, there are a few of us who struggle a little bit more. I struggle a lot with depression and anxiety, it’s a constant battle that is being fought in my mind, from things like being accepted as a person, as a leader or a member of the team to you finding yourself questioning “am I good enough?”, “Will people still like me if I say no?” etc. even making friends and maintain those relationships require more work and effort as you are constantly second-guessing yourself. 

If you can identify with the above or you know you have asked yourself the same questions or been in similar situations know that the Bible has someone wonderful truths that will encourage you and bring you peace. 


Many of God’s people, even Jesus suffered mentally, emotionally and sometimes even physically. Even Jesus the Son of God cried out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) but know that even in your suffering you are not alone. 

There are many people who have journeyed where you are journeying, and speaking about what you are going through will allow people to be there for you, to pray for you and to support you in what you are going through. 


Our God is a God who experiences emotions with you when you are experiencing anxiety, doubt or fear remember that closeness of God and take rest that He is with you and will comfort you and give you peace, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”  (Matthew 11:28) Jesus weeps with you as he wept with Lazarus’ family (John 11:35). Jesus knew of the resurrecting work he was going to yet he wept with anger, this is the same in your life, Jesus knows how He is going to work in and through your life and yet He is with you through all your trials. 

By the grace God has sent the Holy Spirit to be our comforter and counsellor, to be with you and to help you, the Holy Spirit intercedes for you (Romans 8:27). Remain steadfast in the knowledge that God will give you strength (Isaiah 40:29) and even though you may feel like you are broken Christ will make you whole! 

Even though we face uncertain times know that God will never leave you nor forsake you! May you be encouraged and uplifted by His promises. Rejoice in the greatness of our Abba father and know that you are highly favoured, deeply loved and greatly blessed. 



What is the foundation.


I’m Fully Known