I’m Fully Known

God knows you. He knows every part of you. He knows what you’re facing right now, and what you’ve faced. I find it so funny that God knows everything about us, yet we try and hide ourselves from Him. He knows our failures, our weaknesses, and He still loves us. There’s no mistake too big, no secret too dark, to ever separate you from His love (Romans 8:39).

Nothing can stop Him from loving us. He wants to pour out His love over every part of our lives, the good and the bad. He wants to give us all our heart’s desires, the desires He’s put there, and bless us out of our socks. We just need to open up ourselves to Him, nothing hidden, and receive all He has for us. And I know, it’s going to feel weird. Or hey, even scary. It always is when you’re vulnerable.

But what does being vulnerable with God actually look like? My friend once told me that she had a “date with her Daddy”. She sat outside on a blanket, and just had a conversation with God. Now, I’m not going to lie to you… the whole “date with your Daddy” thing seemed pretty odd to me, and I didn’t see myself really doing it. I felt like it was going to be awkward. Until one night, I couldn’t sleep. I really don’t know why, but I just couldn’t.

So, I decided, “Okay, instead of scrolling through Instagram, I’m going to pray”. Here I was, sitting in the dark ready to have a “date with my Daddy”. And you know when you’re just there, and you have no idea what to say… That was me. And I literally told Him that, I was like, “God, I really don’t know what to say now”. So, I just started talking to God about how life was going, you know, how’s school and family, everything. All of a sudden, before I knew it, I was pouring my heart out to Him. Telling Him everything that I was feeling, talking about my past, and even how uncertain I was about my future. You know that feeling you get when you have a really good cry, when you get it all out, and you feel lighter.

That feeling is 100 times better with God. And what I find so amazing is that, God knows what I need to get out of my system. He knows my struggles. He knows what I’m thinking and how I’m feeling, but He still listens. He always listens, and He doesn’t just leave me in my problems. He comes down to my level. He meets me right there where I am, in my brokenness, in my failures, and He tells me that everything’s going to be okay (Roman’s 8:28).

I want to leave you with a song. It’s one of my favorite right now. It’s called Known by Tauren Wells. As you read the lyrics (or listen to the lyrics, there’s a link below), open your heart up to Him, and let His love just wash over you, nothing hidden, nothing held back♥️

Tauren Wells

It’s so unusual, it’s frightening
You see right through the mess inside me
And You call me out to pull me in
You tell me I can start again
And I don’t need to keep on hiding

I’m fully known, and loved by You
You won’t let go, no matter what I do
And it’s not one or the other, it’s hard truth and ridiculous grace
To be known, fully known
And loved by You
I’m fully known, and loved by You

It’s so like You to keep pursuing
It’s so like me to go astray
But You guard my heart with your truth
A kind of love that’s bulletproof
And I surrender to Your kindness

How real, how wide, how rich, how high is Your heart?
I cannot find the reasons why you give me so much

It’s so unusual, it’s frightening


With Love



Mantaining our mental health in uncertain times.


Heritage Day