Redemption Youth Events

Please note that these dates may change and some of these events will require registration. If you have any questions regarding our Youth events, please do not hesitate to contact us.

12 July 2024
Friday Night Youth

Let’s turn up at FNY and give Jesus a place in our lives. Doors open at 18:15, bring some friends and have loads of fun and enjoy time with our Abba.

26 July 2024
Friday Night Youth

Let’s show the world the good God we serve at FNY as we dive deeper into His good and eternal love. Invite some friends and show them the gift of God’s love through worship, word and fellowship. See you there!

28 July 2024
Parents Meeting

To all our youth family parents, we have a parents meeting after second service. Please make sure to attend so that you stay informed about what’s happening at youth and have some questions that you may have answered.

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