Who is Jesus to you?

The whole world seems to have an opinion these days. “Do this and you will win,” “have a lot of money and you’ll be happy,” or “get good grades and study until you burn yourself out, then you’ll be successful.” It’s hard to know what is true when everyone seems to have their own truth or, should I say, their own opinion. The truth stays the same and is always constant, it doesn't change or cause confusion. It brings clarity and everlasting freedom. What if I told you that truth has a name, and that name is Jesus? 

 “For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” - John 1:17

 That is cool Annie, but what does this whole “truth” have to do with me. Well, my friend, what if I told you that the way you see Jesus, will determine the way you see yourself and the way you see others. For instance, if Jesus was just a story or a fairy tale, then that means that what he did at the cross has no effect on me. I am just a person destined to be born, eat, work, sleep, more work, stress and eventually die. I have no value and I have no purpose, or maybe my value is found in my work. If that is true, then if I fail at my work then I have no value.

 Have you ever been really good at something, like singing or dancing? Have you ever just made a mistake and end up condemning yourself for that mistake? Or have you ever made a friend angry and begged for forgiveness and ended up feeling even worse, because now you begged, and that person won’t forgive you. You end up making yourself feel so unworthy, because you failed, because you made one mistake because you’re human…

 Okay wow, first we are talking about truth and now we are talking about worth, where are you going with this Annie? I’m glad you asked. When you look to Jesus as who He truly is: the Saviour of mankind and the light of the world, you will start to see why the Cross was such an epic event. Sin was the only thing separating us from God. God is holy and righteous and we as humans are born sinners, because of Adam and his mistakes in the garden. We were always made to have a close relationship with God, but God and sin don’t mix. Adam used to walk with God in the cool of day, spending time with Him before the whole apple and snake thing. And in the Bible, in the book of Romans, Paul describes Jesus as our new Adam. That means that because of Jesus we were all made righteous, and we can have a relationship with God again. Praise Jesus HALLELUJAH!!  

 What if I told you that is what you were created for? You were created to have a relationship with God. As I see it, we all have a cup that is designed to be filled with God’s love and sometimes we try to fill this cup with other things, and it just doesn't get full. Like David said in Psalm 23, “My cup runs over.” With God your cup will always run over all you have to do is ask Him to fill your cup and the more you receive His love the more it will run over into the rest of your life.

 Whatever you need today God is your supply. If you need wisdom, He’s got you. Do you need joy? He’s got you. Even if you need a friend to talk to, He has definitely got you. The reason we can go to God with our needs is all because of Jesus. You don’t have to be perfect for God to bless or provide for you, Jesus was perfect so that we don’t have to be. When God looks at us, He sees us as perfect and pleasing, because of Jesus. His sacrifice gave us the right to have a real relationship with God.

 So, my friend, in times of trouble and in times of need, don’t look to yourself, look to Jesus as your supply. Let him be the truth in your life that sets you free. I used to have this rhyme in my head every time I stressed about something I couldn’t control or when I just stressed in general. It went something like this:” Jesus I give this situation to you, I trust you and give my stress to you.” As easy as that. Jesus ended up not just being my supply in times of need, but He ended up becoming my friend. He would always listen and always comfort me with scriptures. And when I was facing a problem, He answered me. And no, not with a loud voice. In the beginning I used to listen to sermons in the morning while getting ready for school and an answer to my frustration would always pop up in the sermon. There where even times I would have conversations with other Christians and the answer would pop up. God always comes through. 


 So, my friend, in the end it doesn’t really matter how I see Jesus or even how the world sees Jesus. The real important question is, who is Jesus to you?


Truth Bombs


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