The battle is not yours.

Lockdown has been a tremendously challenging time for most of us, personally leaving me to overthink just about everything. All the overthinking left me in a very dark mindset, and I began to feel as if everything in my life was uncontrollably going wrong. I was fearful and disheartened until one day being the “Gen Z” child I am, I was on TikTok. I came across this lady by the name of Hillary Caitlyn who was speaking about a verse from Chronicles, it was exactly what I needed to hear and I’m hoping this verse is what somebody else needs to hear too. So here we go… 

In 2 Chronicles 20:15, God speaks to Jehoshaphat and tells him “Do not be afraid or discouraged… For the battle is not yours, but God’s”. 

Jehoshaphat’s devotion to the Lord granted him safety against a coming war, and God can do the same thing for you. 

No matter the struggle or tough situation you’re facing, God is always with you. This doesn’t mean we can take our hands off the wheel and hope that God will do all the steering – Jehoshaphat and his men still had to go to the battlefield but they had to trust that the Lord would keep them safe. In other words, our faith can be an incredibly powerful shield when hard times come our way. If we stay close to God, if we truly believe, He can help us through ANYTHING. 

You may face tough times… when you feel like you are always fighting (fighting against loss or fear or any other battle). You might have weeks when you feel like the battle for joy just isn’t going your way. Let God fight for you. He fights the enemies of darkness. He fights for our love and our souls, ultimately sacrificing His Son for us because He loves us so much (John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”). 

Next time you feel like you’re facing a war you can’t win, turn to God just like Jehoshaphat did. The Lord may not take away our problems or our enemies overnight, but He will always give you the strength to overcome the mountains that the devil tries to put in our way. 

Much blessings,



The greatest advice to live your best life.


let’s talk about Halloween