Real Talk

phesians 5:2 – And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma

In other words, live in Christ’s love. Let your life be a fragrant aroma of worship to the Lord.
I was brought up in a household were women are strong willed independent and tough I have first-hand experience on the positives and negatives of this.

Yes you build good character but somehow I formed a dependency on having people around me and the closer the better. To a point where I never had any boundaries I was never taught or shown an example of what this even is supposed to look like.

I attracted toxic people from relationships to friendships to people just using me and I allowed it because I thought that was how it was supposed to be. It was only after getting some support, reading the bible accompanied with recourses that I realized the root of the problem and I needed to change how I was dealing with stuff and what I will allow and not allow in my life from that day on.

I still struggle but when I started walking in the relationship God intended for us all, I immediately started seeing changes. Like my parents feeling rejected because for the first time I was stepping into my identity that Christ gave me.
There was such liberty and freedom in that alone that I automatically lost some “friends” and gained real ones.

People who guide you when you are going about things wrong, people who make you curious to read the Word of God and who you can ask the questions that you need burning answers for.
This verse is what I want to see in my life, and through dealing with the things I needed to it came naturally. I understand people better but that doesn’t mean I let them abuse and use me. As I grow closer with God, that makes me step into the person I am destined to become.



Loin Belt


What is the foundation.