From Exam stress to Supernatural Rest.

Everything is quiet, except for the occasional pen clicking. I can feel the tension in the examination Hall. I have studied for two weeks and I still feel like I know nothing. The teachers eventually hand out the exam papers and I stare at the cover page. My heart rate rises, and I have a huge knot in my stomach. “All I want to do is pass. All I want to do is pass.”, I said to myself.  Fear creeps in... What if I fail? What if my parents disown me because of my mark? What if people mock me? What if… What if… what if….  

Have you been in this situation recently? Have you ever studied for a week or two and go blank in the test? Or even avoid studying, because your anxiety level is too high? Exams can be a stressful time, but it doesn’t have to be. We get wrapped up in school so much because we are there almost 24/7. We think that our whole future is wrapped up in THIS TEST. We put our future in the test, and we feel like a failure when we do badly in a test, we feel like we have no future.   

My friends, don’t put your trust in a test. As soon as you put all your trust in your test you get stressed and you place pressure on yourself that is not needed. Place your trust somewhere that it is impossible to fail. Put your trust in God and His plan and purpose for you.   

I’m not saying don’t study and don’t write the exam. I’m saying trust God with your future AND your exam. Pray before you study and say,” God, thank you for your peace, I place my exam and my future in your hands.” This gives God an opportunity to help you during your exam. You don’t have to be anxious about studying or writing exams. God has a peace that He has given to you. Receive it from Him for He wants the best for you.  

I remember a friend who always wrote on his exam:” Jesus, this paper is in your hands.” That doesn’t mean he stopped writing and waited for Jesus to write the exam for him. Jesus just helped him by giving him peace and sharpening his memory. Jesus doesn’t spoon-feed us; He empowers us. God can use anything for your good.  Even when you think the information you’re learning isn’t relevant in life, God can always use it to help you.  

When studying for a test, pray beforehand and ask God to be with you while you study. You’ll be surprised how studying can get a whole lot easier when you trust God. Keep in mind that not everyone studies the same way. My one friend had to study at least 2 weeks before, where I usually studied max 4 days before an exam, because if I studied two weeks before I would already forget the information by the time the exam came. Everyone studies different but believe me praying and trusting God helps a lot.  

I want to leave you with a few scriptures that might just help you in your test season:  

“Trust in the Lord your God and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him.” – Proverbs 3:5   

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” -John 14:27   

“For I know the thought I think toward you, says the Lord, thought of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.” -Jeremiah 29:11  

Lots of love  



let’s talk about Halloween


Self-Love in Christ