He is risen

This is the foundation of our faith, that on the third day after Jesus was crucified, He rose, defeating death and setting us free from sin. (Romans 6:8-9)

I have always heard this for as long as I can remember. People preach it, we celebrate it and I thought I knew exactly what it meant but...I never fully grasped what it meant for Christ to be risen.

So why is Christ’s raising so significant to me?

Whenever I think of Christ being seated at the right-hand side of the Father in heaven (Ephesians 2:20) I think of my freedom. When Jesus rose from the dead, He publicly shamed the devil and other spiritual rulers and authorities who thought that they had victory over Him.

(Colossians 2:14-15). When He did this, He translated us from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. In this new kingdom, the devil has no right torment us. So, we are free from bondage, sickness, loneliness, anxiety and so on because those things are brought from the devil to torment us. It is not God's portion for us.

Christ’s resurrection is proof, a receipt, that He has paid the highest price for us. We don't have to live on our own, doing everything in our own strength because that separation that was there between us and God has been removed through the blood of Jesus. We are never alone because we are in Christ and He is in us. He sent the Holy Spirit to guide and help us.

We have a new life because of what He did on the Cross. Our life should be full of peace (Jesus gave us a peace of mind and heart - John 14: 27), joy (as it is a fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22- 23), favour, purpose, abundance, protection etc.

Christ died in our place. He didn't have to, but he did. Our old sinful nature was nailed on the cross with Him (Colossians 2:14) and when He rose, He rose to the highest place of authority, at God's right-hand with you and I in Him.

Christ has risen! This is the foundation of our faith. He defeated death for us so that we can be free. We are free, we are highly favoured, blessed, protected, loved because we are united with Christ. When God looks at us, He sees Christ - not because we work hard in our own strength to be like Him, but because the blood of Jesus has washed us clean.

Because He has risen, we have a life full of the promises of God.

Be blessed,



I am free.